Session V: September 21, 2023
Alternative Processing Methods
Program for Session V

Event was successfully completed. Click on the title of each presentation to access recorded video.

Naomi Kamasawa

Naomi Kamasawa is the Head of the Imaging Center at Max Planck Florida Institute for Neuroscience, leading the Electron Microscopy (EM) Core since 2011. She has a wide breadth of experience in EM handling different kinds of biological specimens including bacteria, yeasts, plants, cultured cells and tissues. When she joined Prof. John Rash’s laboratory at Colorado State University in 2003, she became involved in Neuroscience research and gained expertise in a very rare EM technique called freeze-fracture replica immunogold labeling (FRIL), which only a few laboratories in the world are able to perform. She further developed her expertise in visualizing synaptic structure in Prof. Ryuichi Shigemoto’s laboratory at the National institute for Physiological Sciences in Japan. She is very enthusiastic about visualizing high-resolution morphology using different applications including FRIL, volume EM and CLEM in order to gain insight into brain functions.

Jing Liang

Jing is a senior scientist in the Biomedical Research Core Facility of University of Michigan. Jing received her PhD in Materials Science and Engineering from Stevens Institute of Technology where her work focused on fabrication and characterization of biomaterials. As part of her PhD research, Jing developed cryogenic electron microscopy methods to study hydrogels and bacteria. Before taking her current position, Jing has further accumulated experience in characterizing medical devices and drug products using cryo-SEM, cryo-TEM, and cryo-sectioning at the Advanced Characterization Facility in FDA.

Jotham Austin, II

Jotham joined the University of Chicago in 2005 as Technical Director of the Cryo-preservation and 3-D Tomography Facility. In 2010, the pre-existing EM facility was merged with his facility to create what is now called the Advanced Electron Microscopy Facility. Jotham has overseen the application and development of diverse EM techniques, and worked with numerous researchers at the University of Chicago and beyond. In 2014 Jotham was appointed as a Research Assistant Professor. His roles and responsibilities have continued to expand, most notably as an instrumental player in enabling the University of Chicago to take full advantage of the recent revolution in cryo-EM structural biology. In 2023 Jotham was promoted to Research Associate Professor at the University of Chicago to continue supporting and developing additional EM techniques, including quantum sensor imaging, electron tomography, cryo-electron tomography, correlative microscopy, large volume array tomography, and cryo-micro electron diffraction. His effort is divided between working and consulting with scientists, performing advanced procedures, and directing the strategic growth of the EM facility, including space planning, instrument acquisition, and the exploration of emerging technologies.
Tech Talk
Microwave Methods for Biological EM Sample Processing
Blain Jones, PhD
Ted Pella
Tech Talk
An Efficient Automated Clinical Pathology TEM Workflow
Noah Flint, , MHA, MLS, ASCP
ARUP Laboratories, Salt Lake City, UT